Minimum Viable Reports are tailored to meet the specific needs of companies at various stages of their ESG journey. Whether you are juggling ESG questionnaires from clients in the RFP process or preparing for scrutiny in an investment round or IPO, MVRs offer a streamlined approach to ESG reporting that focuses on delivering high-impact information with minimal effort.
Key Benefits:
Efficiency: MVRs focus on the most critical ESG data points, reducing the time and resources required to produce comprehensive reports.
Relevance: Each report is customized to address the specific ESG concerns of your stakeholders, ensuring that you meet their expectations effectively.
Simplicity: By excluding non-material issues and lengthy narratives, MVRs provide clear and concise information that is easy to understand and act upon.
Strategic Focus: MVRs align with your company's strategic priorities, helping to build buy-in and support for ESG initiatives.
Get Started Today
Don't let the complexities of ESG reporting slow down your business. Schedule a 45-minute ESG Focus Session to learn how Minimum Viable Reports can help you meet client and investor expectations efficiently and effectively. By choosing Minimum Viable Reports, you are opting for a smart, strategic, and streamlined approach to ESG reporting that delivers maximum impact with minimal effort.
Minimum Viable Report
In today's business landscape, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are critical to clients, investors, employees, and other stakeholders. To help companies navigate these expectations, we offer a specialized communications tool called a Minimum Viable Report (MVR). An MVR is designed to efficiently provide essential ESG information without the unnecessary bulk and complexity often found in traditional ESG reports.
Why Choose a Minimum Viable Report
"Christine not only has a great insight into ESG in theory and practice, she also has an immense understanding of the interplay between ESG and the business. Christine's unique experience, I would recommend her to anyone, but in particular lawyers, wanting to take their ESG work to the next level."
Senior Legal Counsel,
Global Manufacturing Company